
Thursday, 2 November 2017

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Walter The history of Labour day

Hi did you know that New Zealand was one of the first countries in the world to have an 8 hour working day well this is part of labour day so today i'm going to tell you why we celebrate labour day and why we made this law.

Labour day. So this is why we celebrate labour day it’s Because in the 1840’s people use to work ten or twelve hours a day and there was no law to protect the workers. Then a few days later a man named samuel parnell said that he would only accept a new job as a carpenter if he could only work eight hours a day.

Then later on samuel parnell stood up in the court to fight for his rights and to work eight hours a day then all of the workers stood up to and demanded for them to work eight hours a day. then in the court the judge decided that the workers could work eight hours day.

Also after that everyone celebrated by taking a day off of work and marched into the parades on October the 28th. So when the day was over that was new Zealand's first ever labour day. Now that’s why we celebrate labour
The End.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Immersion Assembly

Hi welcome to term four the first day of school. This morning i woke up early and started getting me and my brother ready for school. So when we finished getting ready we started walking to school and when we got to school i dropped my brother off at his class then a few minutes later the first bell rang and all the year seven and eights went into the street to do our himene then when we finished the himene we went in class lines to the hall then we seen the school theme it was musical madness then after that we sat down and started watching all the performances.

So when we were watching them i found that team five was the most entertaining when they were doing there act in front of everyone. And what i wanted to know more about is how music can affect your emotions. So for example if you were listening to slow music you would feel kind of sad and if you were listening funny music you would feel happy.

Then last of all i found that the most informative team was team three  because they were providing laughter from all of the students. THE END and thank you for reading my work.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

flounder farming

Hi today we went flounder catching in partner ship with kauri flats going down by the river side way. we used drag nets to catch  but not to eat just to farm and help them grow because there only baby flounders. 

also flounders are all around New Zealand and they are starting to become a endangered species that's why some people can only catch a certain amount of fish.

so when we went down to the beach the hole of ptengland came to support and watch the floundering catch some founder then during that we sang a song  and after the song we sang everyone walked back to school .     

Monday, 25 September 2017

Walter draft speech

This is why Kids should bring their own water bottle to school. So when other kids ask you for a drink you might of back washed it then when you give them a drink they could catch your germs.

Also when kids drink out of the water fountains some of them might of put their lips on it .so when they walk away leave their germs on the water fountain then when someone goes to get a drink they could get sick because they caught your germs.

And another reason why kids should bring their own drink bottle to school is so they don’t have to ask the teacher if they could go outside to have a drink during class time. when their outside having drink they could be wasting time to finish off their work. But if they brought their own drink bottle to school

Walter Final speech

Why kids should bring their own drinks
So on a sunny morning when the boys finish playing a game of touch and they are thirsty for a drink of water. But their inside working and they ask the teacher if they could have a drink But the teacher says no because it's class time .

when kids drink out of the water fountains some of them might of put their lips on it .then when they walk away they leave their germs on the water fountain and when someone goes along to have a drink  they could get sick because they caught that kids germs.

And another reason why kids should bring their own drink bottle to school is so they don’t have to ask the teacher if they could go outside during class time to have a drink. then when their outside having a drink they could be wasting time to finish off their work. But if they brought their own drink bottle to school they wouldn't waste time and their teacher wouldn’t be annoyed at that kid.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Immersion assembly

Immersion assembly                            
It's the first day of school in term three and our topic  is

“guardians of the galaxy”. This morning we had a immersion assembly and today i'm going to tell you what happened.     So first team one showed us what happened in there movie and in the movie there were six lovely teachers that go to pt en gland school and two of the teachers went and hopped in there car and flew away into space and went by the moon. Then there were only four teachers left and two teachers walked away and hopped in there car and flew away into space and looked around at the stars and last two jumped into their car then flew around the sun .  

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Walter tenths

we have been learning how to recognise tenths in decimals

Friday, 26 May 2017

The last 3 days at school

Day 1 since the year 8 left we have done cooking art and games. Then we had to split up into groups then we had to have a group name group chant and team leader. First we picked our group name and it was the munchies then we did our group chant then we picked our team leader and we had a sing off then it was lunch    

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Answer below:

1:they all got got 13 hours

2:there homework hours aren’t the same

3:because they're too interested and they don't get to finish homework   

Answer questions below:
1: In 18 hours room 5 has been on tv 6 has got 20 hours of tv so tv is different and h.w is the same.

2:because they not doing their homework .

W.A.L.T: Interpret a range of different graphs
Morning maths 

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Thursday, 4 May 2017

choice squares

This week we have been learning about statistics and how to read graphs.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Term 2 Writing

Hi the first day of term 2 has arrived and I am writing about what we did in the immersion assembly this morning.
team 1,2 and 3 are learning about kites and team 4 are leaning technology and how they are going to use it around the school.and team 5 did a Bob the builder theme song. Mrs. Judd ,Mrs. Ilaoa, Miss Tapuke and Mr. Wiseman did a play about creating something useful for our team. They talked about what ideas they might use around the school like building a garden, making cushions ,building bag hangers.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Walter Test results

Good morning readers i got my writing test results and i scored a 3 on ideas 2 on structure 2 on organisation 3 on vocab  2 on sentence 2 on punctuation and 3 on spelling and that was the last one thank you for reading this the end

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Walter visual mihi

Walters visual Mihi my family means the most to me and i like my culture and i like dragon ball z because it a cool movie to watch and also i like the nike brand because its cool

Friday, 24 February 2017